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Junaid Aansari

Islamic Speaker
1.138 Rating (20332 total)
  • Language: English, Arabic
  • Exp: 14 Years
  • Date Joined: Oct 02, 2019
  • Status: Active
  • Address: New Street Down Town 114Z, United State

About Scholar

Junaid Aansari is a Islamic Speaker with an experience of over 14 years. The well-established practice has been taught by most great authorities and it was also the major tradition among Gods in Islamic, especially Aryans including Parvati, Shiva & Lakshmi. 1. Astrology: For those who were not interested in such matters earlier this century but do take interest now for sure...it offers one's sense on future events (as if you have seen them coming), present things and past times or even thoughts related to these days without any hindrances at all....one can make progress easily when practising various forms like writing horoscopes etc. By adopting different methods we achieve immediate results which are easy to analyse according two

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